Friday, February 27, 2009

They came two by two

Well as you have heard we are having twins. Wow! I thought I would be passing out on the floor when the doctor told me we were having twins. I feel pretty excited about them maybe I am still in shock who knows. I know this is going to be a pretty big adventure as Rachel and Chris know. Rachel I am definitely going to need advice, so what every you learned that is helpful for you when you were pregnant I am all ears. Well here is the pictures of the two of them.

Have a great day.


  1. How exciting and scary all at the same time. I am so happy for you. Congrats from the Meyers.

  2. YAY!! Congrats to the both of you! I couldn't be happier for you guys! Just know that if you need help with anything durring the pregnancy and especially when they get here, I'm totally here for you!!!
